10 Fastest Growing Occupations

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Our economy has made things complicated for the past few years, especially for recent college graduates. The unemployment rate looks disappointing nationally and can be downright scary in certain parts of the nation.

However, there is still hope that there’s a career out there for you. Job security is few and far between, but there are a few recession-proof positions and still growing positions, despite what the media makes us think.

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Here are 10 of the fastest-growing occupations:

Home Health Aides

A home health aide may also be home assistants, nurse assistants, and home care workers. They help elderly and disabled people in their homes so they won’t have to go to an assisted living facility, assisting them with taking care of themselves and remaining fairly independent. Recession or no recession, people will age, and there will always be disabled people, meaning there will always be a need for home health aides.


So many people have pets, whether they’re dogs, cats, ferrets, or even mice. As long as there are pets, there will be a need for veterinarians. Pets need routine visits just like humans, getting regular shots and taking preventive measures to ensure they’re healthy. They also get sick just like we do and require medicine, therapy, or even surgery. If you enjoy dogs, cats, and other animals, being a vet may be a great job for you.

Pharmacy Technicians

People working in pharmacies, filling prescriptions, and going over them with you are known as pharmacy technicians. People don’t all of a sudden stop getting sick because there’s an economic downturn. If anything, more people find themselves in the pharmacy for things like sleeping aids, pain killers, and vitamins. There are trade schools where you can get training in being a pharmacy technician as well.

Paralegals and Legal Assistants

Being a lawyer can be lucrative, but it can also call for huge student loan bills. Paralegals and legal assistants are in high demand, as they’re really the ones who do a lot of the research and legwork on cases. You can be a paralegal also through trade, and you should have a nice variety of law firms to choose from. Justice will forever need to be served.

Fitness Trainer

I saw a story on the news the other day linking unemployment with poor health. It’s true; it can lead to depression and unhealthy choices. However, people will find themselves in the gym or looking for trainers when they need to lose weight or get back in shape. Being a fitness trainer can also be a lucrative career, depending on how many clients you take on and your rates.

Substance Abuse Counselors

Unfortunately, along with the story mentioned about poor health, some unemployed have turned to substance abuse, including alcohol, prescription, and illegal drugs. Addiction is a tough thing to get over, and substance abuse counselors are essential to getting over it. If you’re a compassionate person who wants to help people get their lives back on track, this can be a great career.

Personal Finance Advisers

There’s a lot of talk about the importance of education in the personal finance community when it comes to finance. A lot of people make poor financial decisions because they didn’t know any better. Personal finance advisers help their clients manage their money, whether retirement plans, investment decisions, or real estate options. If you’re good with money, this can be a great option for you.

Market Research Analyst

Have you ever watched the news and they tell you something interesting like “a glass of wine is good for your health” or “coffee causes cancer” or other odd studies? Companies pay to conduct research studies and market research to determine if there’s a need for a product or service. A market research analyst conducts these studies, finding people who fit certain criteria and survey them to find out data about a subject. It could be a fun career.


Some people live to eat, and some people eat to live. Regardless of what they choose, food is essential in our daily lives. There will always be restaurants and fast food companies, and they need cooks and chefs to run. One of my good friends is graduating from Le Cordon Bleu and is now doing an internship at Disney World, pursuing his dream of becoming a chef. People will pay for food, and that is proven.

Public Relations Specialists

This is actually a career I considered, then decided against it because it kept appearing on top 10 lists of highest stress jobs. However, if you’re good at PR, you’ll love it. Public relations is probably growing because there’s always a need for representation. High-profile individuals, companies, and organizations have a publicist who can get them into the media and manage a public crisis. This is a good career for someone seeking a fast-paced job.

These occupations are growing every year and have high projected growth over the next decade. If you’ve been trying to figure out what’s a good job that will give you longevity, consider one of these.

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